Thursday, June 4, 2009

We Have The Cool Guests

Savannah is an amazing city. Dan and I went there a few weeks ago for a four day trip and a good friends wedding. It was the first time Dan had ever flew and he handled it better then I did, my stomach doesn't appreciate it. We stayed in this hilarious motel called the Thunder Bird Inn. Everything was maintained and restored to its original 70's motif. After arriving we were greeted by a woman with entirely too much make up and decked out in a black dress who offered us turn down service and moon pies! Dan and I loved Factors Walk and the cobble stone streets. Every couple of blocks there are fountains and trees...nothing like Philly. one of our favorite places is this daiquiri bar called Chili Willies where the whole bar is just a wall of slushy machines full of liquored up frozen mixtures. They range from Bahama Mama's to a drink they call "Call a Cab", because it is loaded up with grain alcohol. Dan's favorite part was that we could order a drink and then walk down the street with it and shop. My other favorite stop was a pizza place called Vinnie Van Gogo's.... amazing pizza and they even served Lager. It was so nice and clean and people are friendly. Savannah is one place I would love to visit again.

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